From the left: Ülle Tomingas, Tiina Käärmann, Hanna Valk, Krista Soosaar, Laura Tomson, Reili Arumäe, Katrin Palu, Ülle Ütt.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Estonian participants in Gross Ilsede
At the airport in Tallinn- the whole trip is ahead.
Waiting for a bus to take the teachers to the rehearsals at school.
Another interpretation of the European anthem has been born.
One of the four groups giving the final touch to their version of the ´theme of the European anthem.

A walk in between two rehearsals. Back to GGI to practice more.

The poster in GGI invited everybody to the big concert at 19.00 on Nov.26, 2010.
Rehearsal of "The Chairmen of the Bored" on the stage.
One of the mixed groups improvising on the theme of the European Anthem. The final stage rehearsal after two days of practicing.
Our happy girls among the audience before the concert. The house was full!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Pygmalion- Dec.2.2010
Our Comenius activity group and the English language teachers of our school will see B. Shaw's play performed by the American Drama Group Europe in Salme Culture Centre in Tallinn on Dec.2. This visit aims to add to the students' and teachers* self-development and is also a part of our preparation for the SPODRAMUS drama meeting in Liverpool in March next year.
A scene from the play
More about the play and the American Drama Group Europe:
SPORT DAY: 14-18 MAY 2011
Our participants in the sport meeting in Liverpool:
1. Anne Ojala
2. Ülle Tomingas
3. Peeter Putk
1. Mari-Liis Pihlak- 17
2. Grete Ojala- 16
3. Merlin Kirkmann- 16
4. Eleri Kiveste- 17
1. Anne Ojala
2. Ülle Tomingas
3. Peeter Putk
1. Mari-Liis Pihlak- 17
2. Grete Ojala- 16
3. Merlin Kirkmann- 16
4. Eleri Kiveste- 17
Wednesday 2nd March - Sunday 6th March 2011.
Our participants in the drama meeting in Liverpool:
1. Riina Sikkal
2. Silja Enok
3. Margit Kadak
4. Ülle Tomingas
1. Meelika Merirand- F-16
2. Lily Jaanus- F-17
3. Martin Sempelson- M-17
4. Geili Pais- F-17
1. Riina Sikkal
2. Silja Enok
3. Margit Kadak
4. Ülle Tomingas
1. Meelika Merirand- F-16
2. Lily Jaanus- F-17
3. Martin Sempelson- M-17
4. Geili Pais- F-17
Friday, November 19, 2010
Looking back at the sport meeting in Vändra
Our foreign guests from Spain , Germany and England arrived on the 22. September. On the first night they all had the opportunity to make acquaintance with their temporary homes.
To the visitors, the 23. September began with an introducing tour of Vändra Gymnasium. After that were planned some funny relay races. The trials, which were organised by the locals, were really great and nobody had problems with passing them. The participants seemed to like the most part of the competitions where they had to run while bouncing a basketball and holding a completely filled waterglass above their heads. I think (and hope) that nobody stayed dry. Later, when everybody had had a little break, we started with a volleyball contest. The teams were composed so that there was at least one team member of every nation in all groups. After a couple of hours of playing, everybody had the chance to go home for a while and have some rest. In the late afternoon, everybody gathered in front of the local clubhouse to go to Vihtra leisure centre and to get to know each other a little better. Everybody brought some snacks, so there were plenty of sweets. We played a lot of interesting introduction games and had a lot of fun.
The Spanish youngsters started Friday, the 24., with some acrosport. Everybody, who wanted to participate, was allowed to take part. After that everbody could pass a fascinating landscape game. To finish the day, we went to Kurgja farm museum, where we saw many different animals, had a traditional Estoinan dinner and played some old-fashioned games, which everybody liked much.
The whole Saturday was spent in Pärnu. Together we played some bowling and explored the town. In addition to this, we all got the chance to do some shopping on our own. The visit ended on Sunday when the guests left. Some of them could also spend some time in Estonia's capital – Tallinn. The whole event was very interesting and I hope that these kind of things will happen more in the near future.
Geili Pais
Form 11
Vändra Gymnasium
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Dress rehearsal to young mathematicians in our region.
Yesterday we had a great chance to perform OUR MUSIC MEETING PROGRAM to Enn Nurk memorial contest in math in our school. The hall was almost full of people.
The four girls sanG and played their national songs, then the teachers joined in in "White Rabbit". Our national slideshow was a great background for the heart-touching "Üits paigake" and "Ütsik täht". The self-designed costumes with national additions made the performance especially festive.
The four girls sanG and played their national songs, then the teachers joined in in "White Rabbit". Our national slideshow was a great background for the heart-touching "Üits paigake" and "Ütsik täht". The self-designed costumes with national additions made the performance especially festive.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Board of our SPODRAMUS sport meeting
Our new Comenius board shows the main events at our sport meeting. The students of the Comenius activity group have done a great job! The yellow smilies show the satisfying effect the meeting had on the whole school - a friendlier atmosphere can be seen everywhere.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Meie projekt andmebaasis. Our project in the data base!
Kogu Euroopa Comeniuse mitmepoolsed koostööprojektid (meie kooli oma ka!)on nüüd näha siin:
Huvitav on lugeda, mis maad, mis teemad ja mis tulemused eri maade projektidel on. Väga erilisi ideid igatahes. Meie kirjeldus on küll väga põhjalik ja oma plaane, eesmärke täidame küll nii nagu planeeritud.
Huvitav on lugeda, mis maad, mis teemad ja mis tulemused eri maade projektidel on. Väga erilisi ideid igatahes. Meie kirjeldus on küll väga põhjalik ja oma plaane, eesmärke täidame küll nii nagu planeeritud.
Monday, November 8, 2010
The first edition of our common e-journal can be seen here:
By now there have been 2 editions. All schools send their articles on their school life, interviews with students who participate in the project meetings, articles on customs of their countries, pictures, jokes, recipes etc to Broughton Hall High School where the e-journal is put together.
By now there have been 2 editions. All schools send their articles on their school life, interviews with students who participate in the project meetings, articles on customs of their countries, pictures, jokes, recipes etc to Broughton Hall High School where the e-journal is put together.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Rehearsal on Sunday
If you have students like we do- learning for the music meeting is no problem! As workdays are filled with schoolwork and we can have a rehearsal on Tuesdays only, we also meet once at weekends. The departure to Gross Ilsede is in 16 days! We are all excited about the trip.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Preparation for the music day in Gymnasium Gross Ilsede, Germany
We are having rehearsals every week to prepare for the concert on 23.-28. Nov. The group involves Hanna Valk, Krista Soosaar, Reili Arumäe, Laura Tomson and teachers Tiina Käärmann, Katrin Palu, Ülle Ütt and Ülle Tomingas. The rehearsals also take place at the weekend and during school holidays. We would like to teach the European anthem to all the Comenius students in the school. You can have an idea about what we are learning here:
Beside that we have a national section to prepare as well. As all the students know some musical instruments and can sing well, it is not a problem.
Gerd Kivistik is working on making a DVD of our sport meeting- to take them with us to Germany, Sandra Tomingas is preparing a CD with pictures taken at sports competition in our September sport meeting. Many students are interviewing participants from other countries on their opinions of the meeting- to include them in the next e-journal.
Beside that we have a national section to prepare as well. As all the students know some musical instruments and can sing well, it is not a problem.
Gerd Kivistik is working on making a DVD of our sport meeting- to take them with us to Germany, Sandra Tomingas is preparing a CD with pictures taken at sports competition in our September sport meeting. Many students are interviewing participants from other countries on their opinions of the meeting- to include them in the next e-journal.
Monday, November 1, 2010
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