Our foreign guests from
Germany and
England arrived on the 22. September. On the first night they all had the opportunity to make acquaintance with their temporary homes.
To the visitors, the 23. September began with an introducing tour of Vändra Gymnasium. After that were planned some funny relay races. The trials, which were organised by the locals, were really great and nobody had problems with passing them. The participants seemed to like the most part of the competitions where they had to run while bouncing a basketball and holding a completely filled waterglass above their heads. I think (and hope) that nobody stayed dry. Later, when everybody had had a little break, we started with a volleyball contest. The teams were composed so that there was at least one team member of every nation in all groups. After a couple of hours of playing, everybody had the chance to go home for a while and have some rest. In the late afternoon, everybody gathered in front of the local clubhouse to go to Vihtra leisure centre and to get to know each other a little better. Everybody brought some snacks, so there were plenty of sweets. We played a lot of interesting introduction games and had a lot of fun.
The Spanish youngsters started Friday, the 24., with some acrosport. Everybody, who wanted to participate, was allowed to take part. After that everbody could pass a fascinating landscape game. To finish the day, we went to Kurgja farm museum, where we saw many different animals, had a traditional Estoinan dinner and played some old-fashioned games, which everybody liked much.
The whole Saturday was spent in Pärnu. Together we played some bowling and explored the town. In addition to this, we all got the chance to do some shopping on our own. The visit ended on Sunday when the guests left. Some of them could also spend some time in Estonia's capital – Tallinn. The whole event was very interesting and I hope that these kind of things will happen more in the near future.
Geili Pais
Form 11
Vändra Gymnasium